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MYM Coaching Sessions

MYM Coaching Sessions

David Jane15 Mar 2022 - 15:31

Open Age Junior Training Sessions

M.Y.M Basketball is run by volunteer coaches from Calderdale Explorers and is the outreach part of the club with activties designed to further subsidise and support club activties and promote participation in Basketball in the local community .

It provides the opportinity for all Junior players to join in an open age training session on Wednesday evenings at Halifax Academy between 6pm and 8pm .M.Y.M Basketball has been established for several years and already delivers Afterschool Clubs, Interschool Tournaments in several Primary and Secondary schools throughout Calderdale and Kirlkless . It also trains future PE Teachers on delivery of Basketball in School PE Lessons .

M.Y.M sessions are run and delivered by Ben Lee and David Jane who also are Head Coaches within Calderdale Explorers Juniors . Ben and David are both qualified Level 2 BASKETBALL ENGLAND Coaches and hold current and valid Coaching Licenses and have years of experience in coaching juniors in a club or school enviroment.

Whether Basketball is just a hobby, a way of exercising, an enjoyable way to socialise and be part of a team or a lifelong career ambition then we ALL like to be better at it . At MYM Basketball our sessions are based on making a player better in an enviroment where the coaches will apply modern coaching methods ( Pyscholgy & Practice Models etc) and will be typical lesser numbers than traditional Club sessions.

Halifax Academy , Gibbet St, Halifax HX2 0BA

Further reading